Wednesday, August 01, 2007

where have the last 5 weeks gone?

GEEZOLA!!! i didn't realize how long it's been since i posted. i don't really have any pictures (you can always go to jon's blogs for that) but i just wanted to make a little list so help explain the lack of blogging.

1. we had our fourth child
2. we had our fourth child :)
3. millie had her first child 6 weeks early (but nigel is a champ and is doing great)
4. lulu contracted viral pneumonia (that's not the bad kind) and was in the hopsital overnight
5. while i was spending the night in the hospital with lulu, i was recovering from the puking/diarrhea flu that our other children were still working through at home with jon and their lola
6. christine was hospitalized overnight...actually 2 nights for blood clots in her legs and p.s. she is due in october

i'm sad to say it took having our fourth child to finally understand and internalize what's important...not having an immaculate house, not even always going out to do all the things we could before kids...loving these kids and helping them become happy people is what's most important. so i'm glad life has been so crazy lately. my house isn't as clean as it used to be and i'll admit to not showering some days until 3:00. but my family is happier and i have peace. thanks kiddos :)


  1. Callie, Callie, Callie...
    I keep checking the blog to see if you post anything new and today was a fun surprise! You are an amazing mom and are doing such a great job! So sorry about the flu madness. That is the worst. I am so excited to see you guys tonight!

  2. Oh Callie, whatever doesn't kill you can only make you stronger, right? I hope everyone's well and home and happy now. Our family ended up picking up that flu bug even though we didn't get to visit you. Rats, makes me wish we had come anyway.

