Sunday, November 27, 2005

home for the holidays

thanksgiving was a blast this year and the food was goooooooooooooood. the ketcher's were with us too and that was fun to feel so grown up with family friends with us for a holiday. the funny thing is that we're all in utah now and we see each other at least twice a week if not more often. so to be honest i didn't think it would feel much like a holiday. we went home on thursday night after the food coma and woke up on friday with no plans really. once jon heard of the 130 million people (about half the U.S. population) out shopping that day he wanted to join the crowd. so we headed down to provo to make some returns....little did we know that we ourselves wouldn't be returning until three days later.

that's right. it's almost as if a holiday isn't a holiday unless you're really home. we went to provo, returned some items, bought some shoes, went to temple square to see the lights with 25,000 others, ate dinner at market street, and went back to mom's. we stayed there friday night and helped mom finish in the last minute moving things, and stayed saturday night as well.

even catie mentioned that us staying over made it feel like a real holiday. this thanksgiving season i'm grateful for family. the time we spend together is the happiest time for me. when others see our family interact they almost always mention how lucky we are the close relationships we share. so despite the hard stuff and the small things that go wrong i'm grateful for the love of my family and the time we all commit to spending together. peace.

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